According to the company’s latest annual report, Tata Consumer Products Ltd. is strengthening its position in the southern markets and concentrating on creating distribution channels in those regions. “We are expanding our presence in South India across tea, coffee, salt and spices with the launch of South-specific products to cater to regional consumers,” said TCPL.

The company keeps “gaining ground in the South” in the tea and coffee industries. Tata Coffee Grand was relaunched with a new pack design, and TCPL’s Chakra Gold and Kanan Devan tea brands continued to make significant gains in the southern market.

“We have identified the rural market as an area of opportunity and are focussing on building distribution in rural and semi-urban markets now. In salt, we launched Shuddh, a brand specifically targeted to the South market,” said TCPL.

While in the spices category, TCPL launched a range of customised spices under the Tata Sampann brand for the southern market. The annual report said that TCPL aspires to be a leading player in the FMCG industry by expanding its play in existing categories and venturing into new spaces. In FY23, TCPL increased the direct distribution by 15 percent to 1.5 million outlets pan India.

“This has allowed us to take our portfolio to a larger outlet universe with more impact. It noted that Tata Consumer currently has a direct reach of 1.5 million outlets across India, a 2x+ increase from two years ago,” it noted.

TCPL has scaled up its network during FY23 and focuses on enhancing semi-urban and rural distribution. In FY23, TCPL e-commerce has continued to grow at a “rapid pace”, with 32 percent year-over-year growth.

“Several new initiatives were carried out during the year, including a dedicated customer marketing vertical, the use of data and analytics to generate insights and improve efficiency, and redesigning of the team structure to include a key account team for driving sales,” the company said.

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